Benefits of Organic Certification??
The certificate adds a direct value to the stamped products price
List of main organic Sudanese agricultural products
How to get the organic certificate ?
In the world there is some key players in this field, the role of Jalala LTD now now is localize this service to be done by Jalala as partner for the international provider.
It is a process of verification that cover all the process of the production in all phases, through a professional team from Jalala the follow the client projects all over Sudan.
So applying this certificate to the all Sudanese organic products, will impact in huge increase in the total income of the exports sector.
What is the benefit of Organic Certification??
The certificate adds a direct value to the stamped products price, just for example, Sudan has exported in 2021 a 110,000 tons of gum Arabic. the added value in terms of money that the product on its own it has been recognized as an organic gum Arabic. It's going to be more with $1,000, 1000 American dollars for example, if it was a product is valued as the international market for 24 metric ton of gum Arabic as a normal gum Arabic when it's stamped with a certificate that it is an organic gum, Arabic is going to be 3000.
So applying this certificate to the all Sudanese organic products, will impact in huge increase in the total income of the exports sector.